School Management
school management is an indicator of and guid to the elimination of waste efficienvy and workers and countinous use facilities for the improment of instruction .it aims finding the most efficiency and effectivte educational methology and utlizaing superovous to see the teacher carried it management is co ordnate the activities of school platas a whool and utlizies human potentail for the development of school organation system manamement create working envoirement to realease human potential. its uncourgement and provide opportunities to the teacher to explore and help their pressnoal problems.d
school management is an indicator of and guid to the elimination of waste efficienvy and workers and countinous use facilities for the improment of instruction .it aims finding the most efficiency and effectivte educational methology and utlizaing superovous to see the teacher carried it management is co ordnate the activities of school platas a whool and utlizies human potentail for the development of school organation system manamement create working envoirement to realease human potential. its uncourgement and provide opportunities to the teacher to explore and help their pressnoal problems.d
deffination of management
school management has to be dynamic and evoling in order that a school may respond adequately to the chainning education need of the society .and its general etgos. an institution that does not recognise tge dynamic of educaton is doomed to stagnate and this is what happen when the administrac tion of the school functoin like a bureaucracy.the procedures become self defeating to such an exent yhat no knew school can be set up no deaparent can grow and no innovattion can be tried outimprotance of school mamageament
in a school diffirent individulas work in group there fore managing
bwcause essential to co-ordanate individulas effort .when a large number
of school work under a single organization the task of co-ordination be
comess incrasing complex.managingis an extermely important human
activity. it is a job of mamager to desine create and mantain conducive
envoiremeant so that prosonal working in group are able to perform
effectively and feeiciency to achive selected group goal.
scope of school management
2 supervision by head master
3 mutul respect
4 managememt of school activities
5 problem solving
6 co-ordnating the staff
7 professional developement of teacher
8 total quality managment in education
9decision making
Objective of school management
3 use in house expersite
4 management of co-opreative teaching
5 building effective relationship
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